Monday 27 November 2017

Analytical Reflection for Oral Presentation

Giving a presentation is not an easy task, especially after a long period of not talking in front of an audience. In my case, the last I have presented was during my polytechnic time, as such, I lost my confidence in my oral presentation skills. The mock presentation was a rude awakening for me; I had several aspects that I needed to improve on before the actual presentation.

Confidence is something that I have always lacked due to my introverted personality. I have difficulty in projecting my voice, which ultimately affected my already low confidence. Fortunately, the venue of the oral presentation was our usual classroom, which I could just barely spoke at a volume that everyone could hear. With sufficient practice, I was able to effectively deliver my presentation to the class along with my team, as evident by the feedback given by my peers. Being comfortable with my team also helped boosted my confidence during the presentation, because it is a team effort at the end of the day. As such, my team and I were recommended to present for the presentation showcase, which could prove to be an insurmountable task for me to manage. 

Being familiar with the content is indispensable in any presentation. As the first speaker in our group, the content of my portion was entirely on the current situation of the problem that we identified. This resulted in me being not as well-versed in our solution as opposed to my teammates, and my inability to perform in the Q&A portion. I will need to thoroughly go through our content at least once more, to be able to give a better presentation without any doubt.

There is always room for improvement, no matter how well I did for the presentation. I was able to take note of the weaknesses I had from the feedback received from my classmates and professor. With enough time and practice, my communication skills can be further improved on.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, Casey, for this honest reflection. I really appreciate that you were able to move out of your comfort zone and present both in class and at the showcase. In fact, I felt you did very well at the showcase considering the enormous pressure you felt. Good luck in your next presentation!
